I was THRILLED when she contacted me to shoot her and her husband's homecoming. This is something that's been on my books for awhile now :) It's been great to catch up a little with Katie over the few months leading up to her hubby's homecoming.
Monday afternoon was a gross, rainy day, but you couldn't wipe the smiles off the crowd slowly forming at the West Fort Hood Gym! As y'all know, one of my favorite things to do for homecomings is get there early to experience the anticipation! I love the smiles, nervous laughter, tears shed--- all the emotions around you.
Katie and I sat for about an hour before it was announced that the
soldiers were on the buses on the way to the gym! The crowd screamed
with joy.

Before we knew it (probably the longest minutes of Katie's life!), the soldiers filed into the gym- Katie waited anxiously for the first glimpse of Thomas! He certainly was easy to spot! He's the guy up there at the VERY front! :)

Katie and Thomas- thanks so much for letting me be a part of your special day!