When a photographer I work with told me about about a photography conference in San Antonio- I had no idea what it was, only that I wanted to go. I was completely oblivious to what the conference was or just how much it would impact my life. D picked me up from work on Saturday afternoon and despite this nasty weather,

Thanks to a good family friend, we were able to stay in this beautiful little room :) Thanks for helping us find such an awesome place, J&B!
Take The Plunge
Wow, as soon as I walked in the door, you're enveloped by photography talk and terms and people. My first class- how to make $100,000 in 100 days, just shooting high school seniors. For three days, I attended two classes in the morning, and two in the afternoon, then I had the late morning and early afternoon to explore the biggest expo I have ever been to.
Here's an "above" view of the Expo-- three day, 5 hours a day still didn't cover it all!
Got to see an awesome talk from the photographer who shot Eva Longoria Parker's wedding! :)
Me in front of the expo.
One of the classes I got to take- Portrait Posing and Lighting! It was so fun!
I also bought my first "big girl lens".... I was attempting to save for a new body, but after talking to various photographers, I realized that it's more important to have good LENSES. So I bought a nice little 50mm 1.4... and it takes the most amazing pictures!
Dana has awesome connections, and we had the privilege of going to a Spurs game for the evening on Sunday. It was so much fun! Exhausting after a long day of conference, but super fun! We sat in the LOUDEST part of the crowd, I think her connection purposely got us tickets for that area...I think D was in heaven. :)
At the beginning of the game.
YAY! Close game, but we won.
The Wind DownPS...A Little Love
Just wanted to share how sweet my guy is: we got home around midnight on Tuesday night, after an awesome closing celebration, preparing us for the conference next year (in New Orleans). It's amazing how much a little box marked "ProFlowers" can make a girl smile. B sent me a sweet little bouquet of roses to mark halfway through our month apart.
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